We are pleased to announce that, in tandem with the Energiegenossenschaft Nahwärme Emstal eG in Lathen, we have extended the full supply contract for the energy cooperative’s biomass cogeneration plant until the end of the power plant’s term under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (German: Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, short: EEG).
The full supply contract between the Brüning Group and the energy cooperative has been in place since 2015. The power plant supplies around 1000 households with an annual volume of 70,000 loose cubic metres of wood chips from landscape conservation, and this figure is expected to rise. Most of the wood chips are sourced from the region, as the operators are strongly committed to sustainability. The biomass cogeneration plant stands for green energy and therefore endeavours to supply exclusively regionally renewable raw materials. The focus on local resources also supports the sustainable operation of the ultra-modern biomass cogeneration plant.
Both parties are extremely satisfied with the continuation of the cooperation. Rainer Ludden, CEO and contact person in Lathen, emphasises the importance of this partnership, especially during the challenging years of corona: ” The years of corona have shown us why it was and still is right to work with the Brüning Group as a partner. The collaboration is simple, direct and at eye level.” He adds: “The ability to plan for the future is crucial. With the Brüning Group’s full supply concept, we feel confident that we are in the best hands to ensure security of supply.”
Jens Stertefeld, Head of Purchasing and Sales of Renewable Resources for the Western Region, also emphasises the strength of the partnership: “The past difficult years, especially after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting consequences on the energy market, have shown how well we work as a team and how important trust is in good cooperation.” The extension of the contract demonstrates the strong partnership and exciting projects are already planned to further improve the performance of the plant.
For us at the Brüning Group, contract extensions like this are of course always a confirmation of our reliability, professionalism and flexibility as a partner for energy supply companies. After all, the full supply concept is characterised by its individual adaptation to the needs of each power plant. This customised approach not only guarantees an optimal fuel supply, but also supports efficient and sustainable energy generation. The extension of the full supply contract therefore not only represents the continuation of a successful collaboration, but is also a significant step towards a greener future, true to our motto “Enabling a Greener Future”.